Mental Health Professional/TGNC Life Coach
In a world full of noise and distractions, it is not easy to walk away from a well-paid corporate life into a purposefully driven passion for helping and supporting people through the process of improving their mental health. A love that allows people to adjust to life changes and positively embrace a once voiceless life into one of triumph. But my signature offering is differentiated by an uncommon complement of mental wellness management expertise, combined with my natural therapeutic ability to understand the world from a deeper perspective. I mindfully allow myself to connect, understand, and view the mental state of others with a wide lens, then narrow it down to connect the dots, help you identify your best solution, and
and empowering realistic take action plan that promotes positive results.
Growing up in the suburbs of Clayton County, Georgia, raised by a single mother, together with the help of his grandmother, I experienced and overcame many hardships. I grew up learning how to relate and interact well with people and how to understand them better without knowing how to interact with or be in love with myself. My purpose and passion were in the ability to help empower, support, and uplift people. Throughout my studies during undergrad at Southern New Hampshire University, I realized how illiterate the field of psychology was to the BIPOC community and the TGNC community. This discovery birthed the start of my legacy and company, MacKJs, which stands for making a change with knowledge in life's journey to success. As a result, I decided to use my divine-given gifts to fill in the gaps and be resiliently a visible and authentic TGNC mental health professional and youth life coach.